
Monday, April 8, 2013

Now This is a use of ORTS!

I love Mr. X Stitch! If you don't follow him on facebook or his blog you should.

I know a lot of us are keeping our orts for the TUSAL. What do you do with them at the end? I'm interested in the making paper bit. Some of these are far more creative than my rectangular rainbow tribbles!

Update You should now be able to click on Mr. X Stitch and be taken to the blog link. I did the link before but there were no words to click on :p


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely art. I do follow Mr X Stitch already and love his blog.

I save my ORTs then use them to stuff ornies. I've just started saving the margins of fabric left over from small projects when you trim them. I shred the scraps and make more ornie stuffing! I'm very green me.

geeky Heather said...

My PLAN for the orts is to use them for the center of a temari. I haven't done it yet, though!!

Terri said...

What is the link to the Mr. X Stitch blog? I did a google search, but can't find it.
